“Ella, as vrea sa-ti spun un secret ce te va ajuta sa treci peste toate incercarile: sa ai curaj si sa fii buna!”
CENUSAREASA. Povestea clasica prinde viata.
In aceasta luna Pro Video lanseaza o noua ecranizare Disney a celebrului basm Cenusareasa, pe suport DVD si Blu-Ray.
Cumparatoarele noului film au sansa de a participa la un super concurs, Cenusareasa Moderna, si pot castiga un smartphone LG G4, o rochie de printesa oferita de Sipet de Sidef si un pictorial in revista Tango-MAREA DRAGOSTE.
Filmul este disponibil in toate magazinele de specialitate si marile centre comerciale din tara.
Mai multe detalii AICI.
Si iata si alte cateva replici seducatoare din filmul Cenusareasa:
“Sorrow can come to any kingdom no matter how happy.”
“Pain turned to memory.”
“Have courage and be kind.”
“Magic, believe in magic.”
“Just because it’s done, doesn’t mean it should be done.”
“Even though she was sad, her spirit was not broken.”
“We need not look outside our borders for strength and guidance. Everything we need is right before us.
“Marry for love, not advantage.”
“Kindness is free, love is free.”
“To be seen as we truly are, is the biggest risk we will ever take. Will we be enough as we really are?”